

I develop these acute obsessions from time to time, they usurp my sleep, they infiltrate my dreams, they monopolize my free time.... ebay, Target, photography blogs.... and the latest one.... etsy.com - It bears all the attributes of a juicy, ripe obsession - unique, different, inexpensive, creative, shiny.

Here are a few of my favorite shops:

The Mymble's Daughter (adorapop)

Why I love it: She lives in Wales, she makes bird thaumatrope necklaces, she likes Alice in Wonderland

What I've bought: A custom (32" chain) gold plated Bird and Cage necklace ($26.50)

Keys and Memories

Why I love her: She is a Taurus, she makes Steampunk necklaces, she likes typewriters

What I love from her site (didn't buy it cos someone beat me to it {tears}): Steampunk Pocket Watch Movement Necklace ($35)


Why I love her: Her incredible talent, her exquisite craftsmanship, she loves filigree

What I love from her site (haven't bought cos my monthly jewelry allowance hasn't caught up yet): Handmade, sterling silver cuff bracelet fashioned in traditional Yemenite filigree ($490)

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