
Nails Pencils Zippers

Jennifer Maestre is a South African born artist and sculptor who creates fascinating little creatures out of unpredictable materials that make me very nervous - they remind me of underwater creatures with thousands of teeth and their silhouette and texture give me the impression that they are going to come to life any second. Yes, I am also afraid of all types of insects.

My fear is actually sanctioned since her sculptures were inspired by the form and function of the sea urchin and she states that "Paradox and surprise are integral in her choice of materials" - which to me translates to "Beware, they may look like they're inanimate objects, but they will jump up at you unannounced."

Doesn't stop me from staring at them and wanting to acquire the scariest one as my new pet. Maybe for now I'll just buy one of her pencil pins.

My Box





Springtime Tall Tale

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