
National Cherry Blossom Parade

I’m going to the National Cherry Blossom Parade this Saturday with my family. Since we are late to everything, I decided it would be a good idea to buy Grandstand seats so we don’t end up behind 5 rows of people on the sidewalks. They are $15 each and get you a free entry into Madame Tussauds wax museum.

I don’t recognize any of the “celebrities” scheduled to be at the Parade, but that may be because I’m not 12 and don’t watch the Disney Channel, but I’m still really excited to go – my family is crazy, specially when you put 8 of us together and add two of my friends, and a parade. Pictures after the event.

National Cherry Blossom
Constitution Avenue, NW beginning at 7th Street and ending at 17th Street
Saturday April 12, 2008 at 10 a.m.

Grandstand seats are still available here

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